The schools that you are interested in may also have grants available, so make sure to research the financial aid section of each school’s website. Most colleges and universities also use the FAFSA to determine how much money they will give you.
To make sure you don’t miss any opportunity to be awarded a federal grant, be sure to check each school website to find out the school-specific due date for FAFSA applications as deadlines will vary.
Remember, the Department of Education automatically sends your completed FAFSA to the schools you list on the form.
You do not have to worry about sending your FAFSA anywhere yourself once you have initially submitted it to the Department of Education.
However, if you decide that you want your application to be considered at another school that you did not initially list on your completed FAFSA, then you will have to log into your Federal Student Aid account to submit a correction.
If you take the right steps, you could receive thousands of dollars in free education grants every year. You may even be able to cover the total cost of your college tuition with grants that you never have to pay back.
In addition to grants, it is worthwhile to consider applying for scholarships.
Like grants, scholarships do not need to be repaid. While you may receive a scholarship by completing the FAFSA, many will have their own separate application processes. So be sure to do your research and find a scholarship that works for you.