Several organizations provide free college grants for adults who are minorities and need financial help for education. These organizations want to tear down the barriers many lower-income minorities face.
One popular minority-focused grant is offered by the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, which is open to applicants who are African American, Native American, Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Island Americans and Latino. Read on to learn more about other grants.
You must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in science, computer science, library science, education, engineering, mathematics, or public health. The UNCF and the Jackie Robinson Foundation provide grants to eligible African Americans.
You can apply for the American Indian College Fund and the Bureau of Indian Affairs if you are a Native American or Alaskan Native student.
If you are Hispanic, you can apply to the Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Hispanic Scholarship Consortium, and more.
As an Asian American, you can apply to the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund, and the US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce.
The Higher Education Scholarship Programs and the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) have grants for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders.
You can also find scholarships and grants through certain schools. For instance, many community colleges and universities have small educational grants for costs at their school. These grants are not transferable to other colleges or universities.
Supporting a family and finding money for school is tough. Parents, particularly single moms, can find funds to help them pay for classes.